Pulling Baby Teeth vs. Crowns: Best Choices for Kids

Pulling Baby Teeth vs. Crowns: Best Choices for Kids
Pulling Baby Teeth vs. Crowns: Best Choices for Kids | Junior Smiles of Stafford

There’s a certain rite of passage that every parent and child experiences: the loss of baby teeth. For many, it’s a simple and natural process, marked by a gapped smile and a visit from the tooth fairy. But sometimes, dental issues arise that require parents to make a choice on how best to deal with decayed or damaged teeth. Two of the most commonly discussed options are pulling the tooth or opting for a crown. If you find yourself wading through various opinions, feeling uncertain about which treatment option to take, you’re not alone.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into both options, weighing the pros and cons, and provide insights to help you make an informed decision that’s best for your child’s oral health. Read on.

Why is It Important of to Address Decay in Baby Teeth Early?

While baby teeth are temporary, they could still be subjected to decay. Addressing decay at an early stage is crucial for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, decay can cause pain and discomfort for the child, affecting their ability to eat, speak, and engage in daily activities. If left untreated, the decay can progress and lead to infections that could potentially spread to adjacent teeth and the underlying permanent teeth.

Moreover, if a decayed tooth is lost prematurely, it can lead to spacing problems, necessitating orthodontic treatment in the future. Lastly, healthy baby teeth set the stage for good oral hygiene habits, which will serve the child well into adulthood.

When and Why is Baby Teet Extraction Necessary?

Baby teeth extraction may sound scary, especially for kids. But it is a standard dental procedure that’s sometimes essential to ensure overall oral health. So, when and why is this procedure necessary?

Severe Tooth Decay

When a tooth is decayed beyond repair, and fillings or root canals can’t salvage it, extraction prevents the decay from spreading to neighboring teeth and entering the bloodstream.

Gum Disease

If gum disease affects the tissues and bones that surround and support your kid’s teeth, it can cause it to become loose. In such cases, extraction might be necessary to maintain oral health.

Fractured Teeth

If your kid had been in an accident, the trauma or injury might break the tooth, leading to damage that’s beyond repair. 

Orthodontic Treatment

Over crowded teeth can be a hurdle in achieving optimal alignment of the teeth. Sometimes, teeth are extracted to create space, allowing the remaining teeth to be moved and aligned properly.

When Should I Choose Dental Crowns Over Tooth Extraction?

While extraction involves removing the entire tooth, a crown is designed to encase the visible portion of the tooth, preserving its structure and function. Here’s when and why you might opt for a dental crown instead of extraction for your kid:

Save Natural Tooth Structure

Even if the primary tooth is damaged or decayed, if enough of its structure remains intact, it can often be reshaped and fitted with a crown, effectively restoring its function and appearance.

Functional Harmony

Natural teeth contribute to proper bite alignment and efficient chewing function. Preserving a tooth with a crown can prevent adjacent teeth from shifting, which might occur if a tooth is extracted and not immediately replaced.

Preserve Bone

The presence of non-adult teeth helps in preserving the jawbone. When a tooth is extracted, the area of the jawbone that supports that tooth can begin to deteriorate over time, potentially affecting facial structure.

Aesthetic Purposes

You can tailor baby tooth crowns to match the color, size, and shape of their original tooth, making them an attractive option for front teeth that require repair due to decay or damage but don’t warrant extraction.

Cost and Treatment Considerations

While dental crowns might seem like a more expensive option upfront compared to extraction, the long-term costs and procedures associated with tooth replacement (like bridges, implants, or dentures) post-extraction might end up being more extensive in time and money.

Tooth Extraction vs. Crown Placement

Both procedures address dental concerns but in fundamentally different ways. To make an informed choice, it’s crucial to understand the purpose, benefits, and limitations of each. 


When the cavities on baby teeth are severe and beyond treatment, you should opt for extraction. But when the tooth structure remains viable, crowns on baby tooth would be a better option.

Cracked Teeth

The removal of baby teeth is needed when the damaged teeth are no longer repairable. However, if the damage is mild, you may opt for a crown as it can restore function and appearance without the need for extraction. 


Extraction can affect aesthetics, speech, or chewing, especially if the extracted tooth isn’t replaced. On the other hand, the underlying tooth of the crown placement remains susceptible to decay or gum disease.

Read More: What is Hypodontia in Children? Causes, Treatments and More

Making the Best Choice for Your Child’s Smile at Junior Smiles of Stafford

Navigating the landscape of your child’s dental health can be filled with concerns and choices. Whether you’re contemplating the benefits of pulling baby teeth or the advantages of crown placement, your child’s oral well-being is always the top priority. At Junior Smiles of Stafford, our expert pediatric dentists in Stafford, VA, are dedicated to providing you with guidance tailored to your child’s unique needs. We understand the complexities involved in these decisions and are here to simplify them for you. If you’re still uncertain about the best route for your child’s dental health, don’t hesitate. Book a consultation with our pediatric dentists today.