When to Worry About Baby Teeth Not Coming In

When to Worry About Baby Teeth Not Coming In
When to Worry About Baby Teeth Not Coming In | Junior Smiles of Stafford

As parents, we find joy in each milestone our child reaches. From their first steps, the first time they utter a word, and of course, the moment they sprout their first tooth. These milestones are significant markers of a child’s growth. By the age of three, your little one should have a total of 20 deciduous or baby teeth. But what happens when these teeth don’t arrive as expected? This article aims to illuminate when you should be concerned about your baby’s teeth not making their anticipated appearance.

When do baby teeth come in?

Deciduous teeth, also known as baby or primary teeth, typically start emerging between the ages of 6 to 12 months. By the time a child reaches three years old, most will have a complete set of 20 baby teeth. However, it’s vital to remember that these timelines are not set in stone. Each child develops at their own pace, and a slight delay in the appearance of baby teeth usually isn’t a cause for concern. It’s also worth noting that the order in which teeth emerge can vary from child to child.

Why is my baby tooth not coming out?

If your baby’s teeth are not appearing as expected, there could be several reasons. Understanding these possible causes can help you manage your worries and take the appropriate steps.

Premature Birth or Low Birth Weight

Babies who were born prematurely or had a low birth weight may experience a delay in the eruption of their teeth. Their smaller bodies often take a bit more time to develop, and this includes the growth of their teeth.

Poor Nutrition

Good nutrition is the cornerstone of a child’s development, and this includes the growth of their teeth. A diet that lacks essential nutrients could potentially delay the eruption of your baby’s teeth. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help ensure your baby’s teeth develop properly.


Genetics can have a significant influence on when your baby begins teething. If you or your partner had late teething as a baby, it’s quite possible that your child might experience the same.

Health Disorders

Certain syndromes, developmental disorders, or endocrine disorders could also delay tooth eruption. This is because these conditions can affect the overall growth and development of a child, including the emergence of baby teeth.

Signs to Look Out For

While a slight delay in teething is usually not a cause for concern, there are certain signs that should prompt you to pay closer attention:


When your baby is teething, it’s common for their temperature to rise slightly. However, if their temperature reaches 100.4F or 38C, it may be a sign of a more serious issue.

No Teeth by 12 Months

If your child has not sprouted any baby teeth by 12 months, it might be a good idea to consult a pediatric dentist in Stafford, VA. They can examine your child to ensure that everything is developing as it should.

Remaining Baby Teeth Haven’t Erupted by 4 Years

Similarly, if your child’s remaining baby teeth haven’t erupted by the age of four, it’s recommended that you visit a dentist. They can conduct a thorough evaluation and provide guidance on the next steps.

Presence of “Shark Teeth”

If your child’s new permanent teeth starts to come in and the baby teeth are not falling out, resulting in rows of teeth, it’s best to consult a dentist. This can sometimes cause problems with proper alignment and spacing of the permanent teeth.

When to Worry and Seek Help

As a parent, it’s natural to worry when your child’s baby teeth do not seem to be coming in on time. However, remember that the timeline for these milestones can vary widely from one child to another. If your child has no baby teeth by 12 months, or if their remaining baby teeth haven’t erupted by 4 years, it’s time to seek professional advice. Also, if you notice signs such as fever or the presence of “shark teeth,” it’s best to consult a pediatric dentist. It’s also best to have a regular dental check up for your kid. Doing so will help prevent future oral health issues as the dentists can see it before it even worsens. 

Call to Action

Each child is unique and develops at their own pace. It’s essential to maintain optimal oral health from an early age to ensure that your child’s teeth develop properly. Regular dental check-ups can help monitor your child’s dental health and catch any potential issues early. If you have any concerns about your child’s teething, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Good oral health is a crucial part of your child’s overall wellbeing, and early intervention can make a world of difference.

Look no further than Junior Smiles of Stafford when searching for the best dental clinic for your kid. Our team of experts is fully equipped in giving your child the kind of dental service they deserve. We will make sure that your child can confidently flash their beautiful and healthy teeth at all times. 

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